baby bump? and other random things

I took this picture 2 days ago on our snow day. Yes, we had the day off because of a random spring storm. It was fabulous. This is either a baby bump, a full stomach or bloating. Baby bump sounds the best so I'm going to go with that! (Don't mind the dirty laundry in the background.)

Joe is finally coming home late tonight! He has been on a business trip in Dominica since Monday. : ( It hasn't been so bad being alone since i've been sooo tired that I go to sleep a couple of hours after I get home from work. Joe was in paradise and I was stuck in a foot of snow!
This week is my spring break! I'm so looking forward to a much needed week off. By this time of the year, teachers are burnt out and NEED the time to clear their heads and get their focus off school. I'm so excited because my friend, Nicki is coming to visit this week. It'll be good to have someone here to keep me busy so I don't sleep the week away.


More baby pictures...

I went to the doctor again for another ultrasound (the last one I'll get before 20 weeks). The baby looks great! Doesn't it look like a little teddy bear? The top picture is upside down because the baby was upside down and I thought it would be easier to identify if the baby was right side up. In the picture you can see the head, chin (hopefully it doesn't stay that pointy! LOL), the little round body, two arms and two legs. During the ultrasound, the nurse zoomed in on one of the hands and we counted five little fingers! So amazing!
The baby is 1 inch long now and was moving around like crazy. (The baby is upside down in the above picture.) Does movement in the womb correlate with how active a baby/child is? If so, our baby will be non-stop! Seeing the little arms and legs kicking up and down made everything seem so real. It's so hard to believe that this little miracle is inside me. God sure made pregnancy amazing!
The above picture is the baby's brain. The nurse thought it must be a girl since the brain seemed to be developing so well! J/K
Maybe it' my imagination but I almost feel like you can see a little face in this picture!


Baby J is official! We are pregnant! I had my first appointment on Friday and according to the nurse, everything looks great! The baby measured exactly 8 weeks on Friday so I am 8 weeks and 5 days today. The due date is October 22. If you are having a hard time understanding the picture... the head is on the left (the black area is where the brain is forming), the little pointy thing is an arm and the rest is the little body.

Joe and I feel so blessed to get pregnant right away. Please keep me and the baby in your prayers. I have been really nauseous and hating food. If you know me, I usually LOVE food. I think all of the sickness means that things are going well but I'd still appreciate prayers.


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