A Birth Story

First, let me start by saying that I LOVE hearing birth stories.  I love finding out a new baby has been born and trying to imagine the love and excitement that the new parents are feeling.  I always say that people getting married and babies being born are two things that will never get old.  So, here is my birth story...

I went to the doctor on Thursday afternoon to find out that I was 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced with a baby that was very low.  I woke up Friday morning around 5am with some mild contractions that were about 10-15 min apart.  The contractions were very tolerable and just felt like menstrual cramps so I gave Joe permission to go to school.  The contractions continued throughout the day but were never more than 8 min apart and I knew they weren't painful enough to be the real deal.

Around 11pm on Friday night the contractions started getting more painful and I knew that "real" labor was starting.  I decided to attempt to go to sleep.  The contractions started about 13 min apart, so I was able to fall asleep for a few minutes between. As the night progressed, the contractions got more and more painful.  Around 4:30am, I decided to get up and take a shower.  Once I got up, I was in so much pain.  I really had to focus on my breathing to get through the contractions, which were now 5 min or less apart.  Joe and I were so hesitant to go to the hospital since we were turned away so many times when I was in labor with Mia and plus, laboring at home is a lot easier when having a natural birth.  Joe called my friend, Hillary, around 5am so she could come over to watch Mia.  Hillary arrived a little before 6am and we left for the hospital shortly after.  I was struggling to walk at this point but still able to breathe my way through each contraction.  I think I must have been doing a good job, because Joe was worried that I wouldn't be dilated enough and that they wouldn't admit us.

Once we got to the hospital, they had to monitor the baby.  

The nurse checked my cervix shortly after we arrived (which was the most painful cervix check EVER) and confirmed that I was already 7-8cm!  I was so proud that I was able to labor so long at home because that definitely makes a natural labor a lot easier.  After getting to the hospital, all I wanted to do was get into the jacuzzi tub.  The pain was getting almost unbearable at this point and I knew the warm water would take the edge off.  Just getting from the hospital bed to the jacuzzi was quite the process since I felt like anytime I moved I had the worlds worst contraction.  The nurse told me I could sit in the water for about 30 minutes and would then need to be checked again.  Once I was in the tub, I was able to get in a state of relaxation even though I could literally feel the baby come down the birth canal.  After about 30 minutes, it was time to get out.  I didn't want to move but knew my baby was coming soon.  The nurse checked me and I was 10 cm and 100% effaced.  The nurse wanted me to "labor down," which means let the baby get really low before starting the pushing process.  This sounded great in theory but the contractions were so intense, I needed to push.  I was pushing Joe's leg to fulfill the need to exert energy.  Oh, it hurt so bad!  Then, we did one practice push and immediately after the practice, I pushed with all my might.  I felt the "ring of fire" that I didn't feel with Mia and heard, "STOP PUSHING!"  What???  Stop pushing?  Are you kidding me??  In that one push, Naomi's head was coming out (Joe thinks her whole body would have come in 1 push if we were able)  and the doctor wasn't in the room yet.  Luckily, the doctor showed up seconds later and I pushed again and then heard that the cord was wrapped around her neck.  They had to cut the cord before I could push the rest of her body out.

Once she came out, they immediately put her on my chest and immediately, I knew something was wrong.  She was limp and grayish blue.  The nurses grabbed her and took her a few feet away to get her breathing.  After about 1 1/2 minutes, I heard her cry.  Thank God my baby was okay.  I then got to hold her skin to skin and have that much needed bonding time and feed her for the first time. It feels amazing to fall in love all over again.

The great thing about delivering without medication, is that you can pretty much get up and walk around right after delivery.  Here I am pushing my love to our new room an hour or so after she made her big appearance.

Total labor time (not counting the day of mild contractions)= About 9 hours
Total time at the hospital before delivering= 2 hours
Total pushes= About 3
Tearing= 0

Even though the contractions were super intense, this birth was so much faster than my first and recovery has been so much easier.  Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes.  We are adjusting quite well to being a family of 4.  My husband has shown me what an amazing father he truly is by taking on 100% of Mia's needs.  I'm one lucky lady to have such a hands on husband and two beautiful, healthy, little girls.  God is good and has answered all of my prayers.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic story Kel. I just got all teary eyed. I am so happy for you both and that adjusting is going well too! We love you guys! :)


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