Grandpa Esteb
Sorry that I've neglected my blog this month, but it's been a hard month. A month that the world lost a special man. That special man is my grandpa, Wally Esteb. He loved spending time at his land up north and was always generous in inviting people there. He could carry on a conversation with anyone and was kind to all. He frequently told me and Joe that he was proud of us and always made my husband feel so loved and accepted.
My grandpa was an amazing man. I still can't believe that he's gone. I am so thankful for the years I had with him. I am thankful that he was at my wedding and knew and loved my husband. I am thankful that he got to meet and spend time with all three of my kids. I am thankful that he got to be a part of so many big events in my life.
Going back to Minnesota won't be the same without him there. I can still feel his hugs. I can feel his scratchy whiskers. I can hear his laugh. The memories of him will be with me forever.