First week back

I'm not going to lie, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself after surviving last week. It was my first week back to work, my first time away from my baby and my hubby's first business trip since Mia's been born. Joe didn't leave for his trip until Wednesday so he was a great help on Monday and Tuesday. He took Mia to daycare both days which was not an easy task. I think his heart broke as he handed her over to the care providers. I picked Mia up on Monday and cried all the way home and continued to shed tears throughout the evening. Joe and I have been doing a lot of talking and praying and feel as though this is the right decision for our family. By Wednesday, I decided that I will no longer be sad and things have been good ever since. I refuse to live my life with a negative attitude. Life is about making the best out of every situation.

Mia is doing great at daycare and is always super happy when I pick her up. I love our evenings together full of talking, cuddling, smiling and playing. I want her to continue to be exclusively breastfed as long as I possibly can. It's definitely difficult to find time to pump at work but my school has been very accommodating. They installed new blinds in my classroom, so I can pump in my room and paid someone to take my class out to morning recess so I could have another opportunity to pump. I'm learning to be more efficient and not waste time at work since some of my lunch and prep time is taken up by pumping.
Mia is learning more and more every day. She loves any sort of interaction and has recently started liking her Bumbo chair( see above). Sorry the pictures aren't the best quality, they're from my phone.

1 comment:

  1. Kel-
    Thanks for all your comments to my post. :) I think we are going to attempt "round 2" of the registry this week. Mia is already getting so big - it's amazing how fast they grow! My heart just broke for you when I read this post - but I'm so glad God got you through this week - tear free at the end and even without Joe's help. And it sounds like your work is being so accommodating - what a blessing!


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