Last Day of Kindergarten

Tuesday was the last day of school and of course I read, Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the Last Day of Kindergarten. I didn't cry but had a hard time fighting back the tears when one of the little boys in the class handed me a piece of paper that read...

Mrs. Jones,
Don't forget about me.
Love, Zane

This year's goodbye was definitely different since I couldn't say the usual, "see you in the fall" or "come visit me when you're a first grader". Parents got out of their cars at carpool and gave me hugs and well wishes. Even though I'm leaving the most amazing school (Mia is already on the wait-list), the sweetest kids (this is the school where elementary and middle school boys hold the door for adults) and the most fabulous co-workers, I still feel peace about my decision, which is more than I could ask for.

Thursday was my last day of work. My classroom was packed up, my keys turned in...Goodbye Kindergarten.


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