18 Months

As you already know from my earlier post, Mia is now 18 months old!  Today we had her 18 month appointment with our new pediatrician.  Mia kicked, screamed and cried anytime the nurse or doctor touched her.  Even weighing her and checking her height was quite the ordeal. Luckily, she calmed down between the checking so I could chat with the doctor.  Here is a little info about our 1 1/2 year old...

Height- 2' 7'' (47%)
Weight- 20lbs (3%)
Head circumference- 46'' (50%)

Diapers- Size 3
Clothes- 12-24months depending on the brand

 Favorite songs: The Wheels on the Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider (Itsy Bits as Mia calls it)
Favorite colors: blue and pink
Mia now knows 7 colors: blue, red, yellow, green, pink, orange and white
Favorite toys: Her babies/stroller, Elmo stuffed animals, her dragon lacing toy and blocks

It's so fun watching Mia's personality shine through more and more each day.    

She learns quickly, loves her friends, loves mommy and daddy to be by her side, loves playing outside, going to story time at the library, going to the zoo and going on walks.

She is currently obsessed with buses, trucks and planes.

 She is talking up a storm and can usually tell me what she wants and needs.  

She loves having dance parties with daddy,

 kissing and hugging the baby in mommy's belly.

counting everything (one two, one two, one two),

being referred to as a big girl,

going down the BIG slide,

and saying hi to everyone.


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