Happy Happy Halloween (a little late)

I actually started this post on Halloween but never finished it.  Since I am so behind, I just put all of our Halloween festivities together.

The Saturday before Halloween, I took the girlies to the zoo for some trick or treating.  Mia had so much fun! (I took this picture for Joe.)
It was pretty cold that morning but it warmed up nicely as the day went on.

Everyone thought Mia was a dragon since she didn't have the hood to her owl costume up.
That night, we went to our neighbors house for a neighborhood Halloween party.  

Here is Mia after she ripped my tail off and proceeded to scream that she didn't want her costume on.

 Halloween day was super fun since we started the morning at the pumpkin patch with my Moms Rock group.  
 Naomi sat with some pumpkins,
 ate some hay,

showed off her baby blues,

and of course, cuddled with me.

Since Joe was gone at school, I didn't feel ambitious enough to carve a pumpkin with two little ones.

So, Mia painted her pumpkins and had so much fun doing it!

That night, we had our friends over for dinner.

Mia and Kennedy were so stinkin cute in their costumes.  These two are such sweet little friends!

 Halloween ended with Mia shouting, "Are there anymore kids?!?"  
 And when there weren't, we went to bed.


  1. I just came over and blog stalked you :) I love the pictures of Mia in her hat. She is SUCH a DOLL!! You have so many ideas for activities for the kids and are so ambitious. I might have to try a few of the fun things that you've been doing with Mia. Hope all is well, your family is beautiful!

    1. I blog stalk all the time!! Thank you for the hat, we get compliments all the time! Sorry I never sent a picture, I totally spaced it!


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