9 Months

Naomi Kate
Height: 28'' (65%)
Weight: 19lbs 2.6oz (56%)
Head circumference: 43.4cm (32%)
Diapers: Size 4
Clothing:12-18 months
Food: Breastmilk,baby food, avocado, banana, bread, pasta, pears, Cheerios
Nicknames: Omi, Om (both with the long o sound)

 Naomi is the sweetest baby.

She loves cuddles, nursing and kisses.

She loves to play shy when you ask her for a kiss even though she loves it when you kiss her.

Naomi is super active and crawling all over.

We used a basket to take her pictures so we could keep her in one place (my moms idea).

She can climb up the stairs and crawls over to them several times a day;

I think it's now a game because she knows she isn't supposed to climb up by herself.

  Naomi is also pulling herself up to a standing position, she sometimes has trouble getting back down and usually ends up plopping to the floor.

 She makes lots of sounds, mostly copying her sister, but only says one word, mama or mom mom mom.  I love that she is a mommy's girl and that even though she is super active, she loves being in my arms.

Naomi also loves to clap and will do so if she hears you say clap, if anyone is clapping or if she hears someone cheering...baby claps are quite possibly the cutest thing ever.

Naomi- You are the PERFECT addition to our family.  I love you so much but I think you already know that.    


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