Big News!!

Baby #3 is due November 18!!

I am besides myself excited for this baby.  I always knew I would have more than 2 kids, but after we had Naomi, Joe wasn't so sure that he wanted to go for a third.  This might sound dramatic, but I was heart broken and longed for a third baby.  I even told my friend, Hillary, that I might need to go to counseling to grieve the baby I wasn't going to have.

 I love being pregnant, I love having a newborn and I think seeing your baby for the first time is more amazing than anything else in the world.  I feel so extremely blessed that I get to experience these things again.

I'm also excited to extend my job as stay at home mom even longer.  Before I went back to work, I wanted to have my kids as close together as possible so I could get back to work faster.  Now, I am in no rush.  Going back to work a couple months ago made me realize how much I love being home with my kids.  It made me realize that the job that I once feared is now my favorite job.

Here's to being a family of 5.  More chaos, more laundry, more hugs, more kisses, more complete.


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