Growing Up

We were at a Mom's group park play date the other day and I felt like I had the big kids.  It was so weird no longer being the "new mom" but quite the opposite with a preschooler, toddler, and one more on the way.  It's hard to accept the fact that my girls are growing up.  

At the zoo last week, both girls went right up to this Gopher snake and stroked it's back.  There was no hesitation, no fear, I just stood back and watched my girls be independent little people.

On that same zoo trip, they both decided that they were ready to ride the animals that go up and down on the carousel. Up until then, we all sat on the bench together.  Naomi was so excited and Mia was still a little nervous.

I was so proud of them (especially Mia) for conquering a fear.


These two are starting to look more and more alike as they get older.  I've even been asked on a few occasions if they are twins (usually when they're sitting down).


They still have very different personalities but are still best buddies.

My girls are growing up and some days it makes me sad and other days excited for what's to come.


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