6 Months

Maxwell Theodore
Weight: 18lbs 3.5oz (63%)
Height: 2' 2.75'' (52.3%)
Head circumference: 17.32" (69%)
Diapers: size 3 (but will be in size 4 soon)
Clothes: 9-12 months
Food: breast milk, sweet potatoes, peas, and banana

Maxwell is such a sweet, easy going, happy little guy.  He really loves life and especially loves attention from his sisters, mommy, and daddy.

He's quite social too.  Max makes eye contact with people as they walk in the room and waits for them to acknowledge him.  Once they do, he flashes the biggest grin.

Maxwell is still quite wobbly when sitting up and prefers to be on his stomach or back so we can roll around.  He can get almost anywhere he wants by doing barrel rolls around the house.  Even though he can't crawl, he's pretty mobile.

He is a curious little guy and will grab at anything that's within his reach.

When taking these pictures he was fascinated with the grass and kept pulling it out and trying to eat it.

Maxwell is good at taking naps but is waking up several times a night.  I've been quite tired lately but trying to enjoy all of the snuggles because I know they won't happen forever.

 It makes me sad that my family and friends in MN (besides the grandmas) haven't met him yet.  And, that my friends in CO haven't got to see him since he was first born.  I just want everyone to experience his cuteness.

Maxwell is such a joyful little guy, I am so proud to be his mommy.

I am so thankful that God trusted Joe and I to raise another baby.  He is truly a gift, which is why we chose his middle name, Theodore: gift from God.

Happy 6 months sweet boy!! We all love you so much and have thoroughly enjoyed having you around the past 6 months.  

Just for fun, here are Mia and Naomi's 6 month posts:


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