Scenes from December
December is always a fun month and this one wasn't an exception.
Naomi was Star of the Week at preschool.
It rained a lot.
Thankfully, there were a couple sunny days.
We spent a lot of time playing at home.
We had lots of fun with Uncle Jake when he came to visit.
Most of our time with him was spent doing Christmas festivities, but we did do a touristy day at Pikes Market.
We also took a stroll past the gum wall
and went for a ride on the ferris wheel.
Naomi and I went ice skating for our monthly date.
I was so proud of her perseverance on the ice rink.
The end of this month has been super busy since we found another rental that we will be moving into on January 8. Our current lease it up and we are unable to renew, otherwise we would just stay here. We have spent countless hours searching and putting offers on homes for the last several months but haven't been successful. We decided to end our search when we found a decent priced rental in our current neighborhood just 2 minutes away.