3 Months
Levi Matthew
Size 6 month clothes
Size 2 diapers (but ready to move to size 3)
This little guy gets sweeter and sweeter everyday. He is still so smiley, loves being talked to, loves bath time, and walks in the stroller. He is still nursing like a champ and no longer enjoys his paci. His head is getting so strong and he is so close to rolling over. We all love him so much!
I missed his 2 month post so here are some pictures from the past month with his 2 month stats at the end. It's crazy how much he's changed in such a short amount of time.
Levi's 2 month stats
Weight: 13.11lbs(85%)
Height: 24.4in (96%)
Head circumference: 15.8 inches (83%)