Scenes from October

October seems like a distant memory but I'm determined to keep up with my blog even if I'm a little behind! Someday it will be fun to look back on this crazy year. The year of two babies, a pandemic, homeschooling, and lots of loud, crazy memories. In October we started to loosen up a bit with our COVID rules but as cases have been on the rise lately and the new Governor's orders, we've decided to do our part and stay home. I'm glad we had some fun in October with a trip to the Apple Orchard, Como Zoo, hours and hours of playing outside with friends, a family outing to our favorite ice cream shop, and we ended the month with Halloween! I was so thankful that our neighborhood made a a halloween plan so the kids could still enjoy the holiday. Every house provided contactless candy and got so creative in how they laid out the candy to be sure everyone stayed safe. Here is October in pictures...


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