37 Weeks!

Mommy went to the doctor on Tuesday and you are doing great! I always love to hear your little heart beat. The doctor said it sounds perfect. Mommy feels HUGE but the doctor said that my belly is measuring a little below average. That could mean that you're going to be small or you're really tucked inside. I was so happy and relieved to find out that your head is down so we know that we can have a normal, vaginal birth. Mommy isn't dilated yet but about 20% effaced.
Today, I packed your bag for the hospital. I picked out 2 different sized outfits. The doctor estimated that you would weigh 6-7 lbs if I deliver on my due date, but since Mommy was a little over 9lbs, I want to prepare that you could be any size. I can't wait to meet you! See you in about 3 weeks!
Love always,