39 Weeks!

The parents of my students threw me a surprise baby shower at work on Friday. It was absolutely amazing and I was completely surprised. (I think the trick was that none of the parents told their kids, so it was a surprise for them too.)

Here's how the events unfolded...
The Principal called me out of my class to talk about some maternity leave info with the school secretary before she left for the day. Nicole, the K/1 Aide watched my class while I went to the office quick. I thought it was kind of weird that they would pull me out of my classroom but since we were going over legitimate information, I didn't think anything of it. As I was leaving the office, the secretary told me that my class was in the multi-purpose room. This was a little strange but I really didn't think much of it.

As I entered the multi-purpose room, I saw my whole class and about a dozen moms surrounded by pink decor yelling, "surprise"! I almost lost it and started to cry, it was the sweetest thing. The best part was that they made the shower completely kid friendly with 4 different stations for the kids. Station 1: Putting diapers on dolls/swaddling dolls, Station 2: Tasting/guessing baby food, Station 3: Card making, Station 4: Pin the pacifier on the baby. While the kids were enjoying themselves at the different stations, I got to walk around and visit with the moms (an hour where I didn't have to do anything). After the kids were done at their stations, we all enjoyed homemade pink cupcakes. All of the parents gathered money and made the most amazing gift basket. The basket had 18 baby books, two outfits, a 5 pack of bibs, a 6 pack of socks and a toy. I have the most amazing job in the world and it is so wonderful to work for such caring families.

Dearest Mia,

I can't believe you've been growing inside of me for 39 weeks. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're a full-grown baby inside my belly. Even though I'm getting really anxious to meet you, I can't help but wonder if I'll miss being pregnant. This whole experience has been one of the most amazing, life changing things I've experienced. I give you permission to come anytime now. : )

I love you and can't wait to see you in about a week!

Love always,


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