Spoon Practice

I've been trying to teach Mia to use a spoon when eating her yogurt for breakfast (in the past I would feed it to her).  She was doing really well until I turned my back to get a bagel out of the toaster...she decided it was easier to use her hand.

I guess what's the rush, she has the rest of her life to use a spoon!


  1. How cute! :) And messy! Yikes, I haven't embarked on the solids yet. She's 5 months - think I'll delay til 6! Kel - is that like a smock/bib? It looks amazing - where did you get that? I'm thinking I may be needing one too!!

  2. Tiff- Everything is messy these day! I have to sweep after every meal. Mia's wearing a shirt bib (it has velcro behind her neck and is open in the back)...we got it at IKEA. Do you have an IKEA near you? If not, I can send you one because they are quite nice.

  3. Well at least you have tile!! :) We do too, and I'm very thankful for the future!! No IKEA here - sad. Oh my gosh - yes please I'd appreciate it so much if you could. I can send you money if you let me know how much it is and shipping. I looked online and it's not available online, only in store - so that'd be a huge blessing!! Once I've got the weaning/thrush fiasco done with, then starts solids!!

  4. Hey Kel-
    Did you ever get my reply to this post? I didn't see it on here, but I know you have to approve comments first. Well, anyways- I finally shipped out Mia's little gift the other day. It's nothing big - just homemade. :) Oh - also...I would LOVE for you to send one of those shirt bibs! Sadly, we have no IKEA. Just tell me what I owe ya cuz I tried to get one on their website and they are only available in store. We JUST started solids this past week...I can already tell I'm gonna need it!!


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