2 months
Naomi Kate is 2 months old today
Height: 23" (75%)
Weight: 12lbs 2.4oz (80%)
Head Circumference: 37 3/4cm (30%)
Clothing: 3 months
Diapers: size 1 (but once they are gone,we will move up to size 2)
I can't believe how fast the time is going. She is growing so fast. Her personality is definitely showing through. She started smiling about 2 weeks ago and is smiling more and more every day.
She LOVES watching her sister play. Today, Mia was singing her ABC's and dancing around Naomi. I'm going to call this their first time really playing together. It was so sweet! Also, when I put Naomi on the floor, there wasn't a blanket on her. I guess Mia thought she was cold. : )
I call Naomi my breath of fresh air. She is so calm and easy going. Sometimes she just wants to lay down without being held. I actually put her in her crib tonight while she was awake. I swaddled her so she new it was bedtime and she fell asleep. No tears, just easy.
And seriously, who can resist this face?!?