Blog Envy

Do you ever read someones blog and envy their life?  Blogs can sometimes make life look so easy, effortless and well, perfect.  I don't think people do it on purpose but the reality is, when life's yuckiest moments sneak up you, the last thing you're thinking is, I need to take a picture!   I'm not going to grab my camera and take a picture of Mia pulling Naomi's hair or tell Mia to hold that pose when she is painting her whole body and all of our dining room chairs blue, or how about the day I was so tired, I just kept eating cookies until the cookie jar was empty.

Here are some pictures that represent what a day in the Jones house looks like...

 Pictures of temper tantrums, Mia trying to attack Naomi, diaper blowouts, spit-up and funky smells are not pictured but don't think they aren't apart of our daily life.

 Here is Mia nursing her baby. You can't tell what she is doing because she uses a blanket to cover the baby.

 I feel like people only post pictures of themselves on the days they actually showered, did their hair and put make-up on.  So, this is what I looked like the other day.  I made cookies and homemade soup but didn't make time to shower.
 I'm not super mom and never intend to be.  It seems like something always has to give.  Some days I have a super clean house but no dinner or a messy house and a really yummy dinner.  This is what Mia did in the playroom while I was making our super yummy dinner yesterday.  

The most important thing I do each day is love on my girls.  That always comes before showers, laundry and a homemade dinner.  

1 comment:

  1. Girl I have LIVED in jammies for 4 days this week. Todays the 1st day Im wearing real clothes. :) You are NOT alone. I work from home and mother a active 14mo old. And I pick up my toy explosion every night when she goes to bed, just to do it again the next day. :)


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