4 Months

Naomi Kate
4 months
Weight: 15lbs 5oz (85%)
Height: 25 1/4 in (80%)
Clothing: 6 month/9 month (the outfit below is 9 months!)
Diaper: 2 but we will be moving up to size 3

Everything looked great at Naomi's 4 month appointment today.  The only milestone she has not met is laughing.  She'll smile all day long but apparently we're not funny enough to get a chuckle.  The Doctor mentioned that we could start solid food anytime between now and 6 months.  I think we'll wait until we get closer to 6 months, I'm in no hurry for this girl to grow up.

Naomi loves to cuddle and especially loves cuddling with Froggy,

she is seriously the sweetest baby (maybe I'm biased),

 she loves when her sister surrounds her with toys,

 and of course smiles at everyone who walks by.


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