Bursting with Cuteness

This post is all about my Naomi Kate,

 who is seriously bursting with cuteness right now. 10 months suits her well.

I honestly didn't want to put her to bed tonight because I just LOVE watching her play.

She has recently learned how to walk while pushing the toy shopping cart,

but isn't quite brave enough to try standing or walking on her own.

She is also starting to say a few words,

"baby" is one of them. 

 Her top two teeth look like they are on the verge of poking through

and her hair is lightening more and more every day. : (

Before I know it, she will be a toddler and look completely different.

I get emotional thinking about her growing up.

 I am in no rush for her to walk, talk and do those things that will cause her to seem older than she already is.

It's funny how that changes the second time around.


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