3 Months

Maxwell turned 3 months on Wednesday. 

I love him so much.  I really can't contain it.  I'm pretty much convinced that he'll never do anything wrong, never make me mad, he's just perfect.

Okay, I'm not that naive but I am thoroughly enjoying have a little boy.

Max is growing so fast, he's already wearing 6 month clothing and will probably go to size 3 diapers as soon as I run out of size 2.

He is so social and loves having conversations.  His cooing is my favorite.

So are his smiles, and his chubby cheeks, and the way he lights up when I get him in the morning.

Max did decide to stop sleeping through the night last week, which is a bummer, but I kind of knew it was coming.  Joe and I love his little voice when he wakes up, it sounds like he's calling for me rather than crying.

Maxwell loves bath time, watching his sisters play, and listening to people talk to him.

He doesn't really like riding in the stroller, being left alone, or when his sisters scream (but who would like that?!)

How did I get so lucky to have the most perfect little boy for my son?


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