Homeschool Preschool

We are finally getting in a groove around here.  I really love schedules and my heart is happy when I have preschool lessons planned for the kids, meals planned for the week, and activities scheduled. Some days the plan is to stay home and play but I like knowing what the plan is before I wake up in the morning or I tend to get a little stressed.  Anyway, a couple of weeks ago we finally started homeschool preschool again.  It isn't the same without our friend, Kennedy, but we still love learning and playing together.

For the letter N, we made these yummy chocolate nest treats

A favorite activity is using push pins to poke the letter of the week. Here is Mia working on the letter N.

I am slowly working on sight words with Mia. I realize that this isn't necessary but this girl LOVES learning and needs this kind of stimulation.  Our other kids may be different and that's totally okay. We love these little sight word readers from The Measured Mom.

We talked about owls when we learned about the letter O. The girls loved making these adorable owls.

Mia has been doing so well on handwriting!  We both love these handwriting sheets from the Measured Mom.  We tried a lot of different sheets and these are our favorite. 

I love this time with my girls and I think they enjoy it too!


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