A Photo Shoot
I only took a few pictures on Easter. It was such a rush to get out the door to church that I forgot about a family picture. Oh well!
These photos are from a spur of the moment photo shoot in the backyard a few weeks ago. They turned out so cute I just had to share.
Easter morning was so fun watching the girls gather Easter eggs and going through their baskets.
I'm not going to lie, I was really sad after church. Mostly because we had nowhere to go and I didn't make reservations or plan a meal.
Even though I was surrounded by my favorite people, it still felt lonely.
Living away from family is hard, but really hard on holidays.
We ended up ordering pizza and really trying to emphasize the importance of Easter with the girls. Then, they played in the dirt in their Easter dresses and we enjoyed a low-key Sunday. It wasn't so bad after all.
Next year, I'll do a little better coming up with a full-day Easter plan. Anyone want to come celebrate with us??