The Snowy Day

After 69 degrees on Thursday, yesterday was cold and snowy.  There is something about snow falling that is so magical!  I decided to let Mia experience the joy of a snowy day and she loved every minute of it.

One thing I miss from teaching is children's literature.  Mia walking in the snow yesterday reminded me of the book, The Snowy Day.  Wouldn't Mia be cute on the cover?

 Mia loved the snow.  She just walked all around and making tracks wherever she went.

 She loved feeling the cold snow blowing on her face.

 Notice how the houses on the other side of the street don't have to shovel their driveways. At least that warm sunshine shines through our windows on the back of our house.
 After being outside for over 30 minutes, I was cold.  Mia would have stayed outside all day if I would have let her but...

I didn't and she was NOT happy!


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