Life in Pictures

Joe has been super busy at work the last couple of weeks so the kids and I have been trying to stay busy.  We bought a membership to the Children's Museum and Zoo, which has been a ton of fun.

Next week (on Wednesday) is moving day.  We are so excited to be out of the apartment, get all of our stuff, and get settled in our new neighborhood.  The kids will have a yard to play in, safe sidewalks to ride their bikes/scooters, and we'll be able to walk to the library, doctor, Starbucks, community center, park, etc...

The apartment has worked but it's a little stressful with three loud little ones.  Luckily, nobody has complained.  Plus, with no yard and a small space to play, my kids go a little crazy when we stay home all day.

Joe will miss walking to work though, which has been the biggest perk to our current location.

Here's some pictures from the Children's Museum.  

We have been to the Children's Museum once or twice a week for the past several weeks.  They have a different theme every month and different activities/story times every day so there's always something new and exciting to explore and learn.

Last week, I felt like such a city mom. We walked a mile to a downtown post office and stopped at a cupcake shop for a special treat.  Wandering around the city is kind of fun. I mostly enjoy the looks I get from people (apparently, it's not common to live downtown Seattle with 3 small kids?!?)

The Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle is our new favorite spot.  Naomi is our little puddle jumper who is pretty much covered in muddy water anytime the ground is wet.

Maxwell is such a trooper on our little adventures.  He just goes with the flow as long as he has a full tummy of milk and a clean diaper.

The zoo feels so different than the Denver Zoo because of all the trees.  The girls love exploring and enjoying the great outdoors.

This is what I want for my children's childhood- time to explore outside.

In case you don't believe it, here's proof that we have beautiful, sunny days here in Seattle!

Maxwell is so adorable.  Everyone in the family is absolutely smitten.

We are all adjusting to Seattle, but once we move, I'm on a mission to make some mommy friends because Mia and I are craving some friendships!  


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