Mia is Two!

Mia Kathleen
2 years old
23 lbs (8 %)
33 1/4'' (30%)
Clothing: 2t-3t

 Mia can now sing her abc's and count to 15,
 she loves watching Barney and can sing the "I love you" song.
 Taking care of her babies, singing, dancing and reading books occupy most of her time.
 She gets very nervous going to new places/doing new things,  but usually loves the adventure once she feels comfortable.
 She has great manners and will even say, "bless you" after you sneeze.
 I often describe her as a little pistol because she is definitely my strong willed child, after all, it did take 3 hours of pushing for her to come out.
She LOVES her family and friends and talks about them frequently.
I have no doubt in my mind that this one will do great things.

Thanks for 2 amazing years Miss Mia!  We love you more than you even know!


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