Trucks, Buses and Boats

I'm having a hard time getting ahead right now due to lack of sleep and lack of naps.  For all of you that hated me a few months ago when I bragged about Naomi sleeping through the night, she is doing quite the opposite and now waking about every 1.5 hours.  It's absolutely brutal! With that said, I want to catch up on a couple of posts that I have missed.

Last Saturday, before Mia's birthday party, Joe took Mia to a park where they had all kinds of trucks and different support vehicles on display.  Joe said that Mia was unsure about all of it at first, but halfway through she was having a blast!

 This girl loves seeing school buses, so I can only imagine how excited she was to sit in one!

 The Ambulance was her favorite.  She and daddy hung out in there for awhile.

 Watch out drivers, Mia is behind the wheel!

I'm so glad that Mia and daddy got some bonding time at this super fun event!


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