Love Our Mornings

Life is good.  I am loving being a stay-at-home momma.  The transition has been way easier and more natural than I expected it would be.  I know that being a stay-at-home mom to one baby is way different than it will be to two or more children, but right now, life is pretty easy. It's always a little weird when people ask my profession, but I usually say, I stay home with my baby and then they respond with..."that's the hardest job."  Although this is very kind and makes me smile, they clearly have never been a teacher or been related to a teacher!  Teaching is so much more exhausting!  Seriously people, love on your kid's teachers!

Disclaimer...Mia is currently teething and has been in a TON of pain with a fever.  This last week has been a little rough especially due to the fact that Mia has been waking up a bazillion times a night and at times is inconsolable.  One more reason why staying at home is a blessing, I would never be able to function at work after a night like that.  

I'm a very routine person and like to keep to a schedule.  Every Most mornings, Mia and I go for a run and we end the run at the park, which is like two steps from our house.  I've been using the playground as a gym and continuing my work-out with lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks, etc...  While I'm working out, Mia barks at the doggies in the park or just laughs at me.  Here are some pictures of us playing at the park this morning.  Doesn't she look so big?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried a baltic amber teething necklace? I have one for Selene and I swear it works.


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