Naomi Kate

Being 3 is hard and being the middle child is hard.  So, today the spotlight is on Naomi.

Naomi is a pretty typical 3 year old who loves cuddles, strawberries, and reading books.

As I was looking through pictures, I really saw how brave Naomi has been this month. She handled her first dentist visit like a pro.

She has also been so brave at preschool and I've heard nothing but positive remarks from her teacher.

Naomi has also learned how to ride her bike really well recently, which has been so fun for her and Mia.

She has also started the fall session of ballet, which she absolutely loves.

It's hard to say if she loves dancing or reading more. 

On Fridays, Mia has school but Naomi stays home with me (I wasn't ready to give her up 3 days a week yet).

We try to use that day to do some fun learning together.

I love when she asks to do school with me, it makes me so happy.

My sweet Naomi. Even though 3 is a hard age, it's also a super cute and exciting age.

It's fun to see all these pictures together to remind me all of the amazing things she is doing.


10 Months!

My baby turned 10 months yesterday! He's wearing 12 month clothing and size 4 diapers.

Maxwell is so much fun and continues to bring so much joy to our family.

He is happy majority of the time and has the biggest smiles. He has two bottom teeth and his top two teeth are working their way through.

Maxwell doesn't sit still for long and loves to crawl around, climb, stand, walk while holding furniture, and walk while pushing things.

He is also very affectionate and gives big, open mouth kisses and the sweetest hugs.

He loves playing toys and gets very excited when someone throws a ball. 

His favorite activity is whatever his sisters are doing and can usually be found watching them or trying to destroy whatever they're playing.

He is a very independent eater and although he still nurses he likes to feed himself baby food pouches and will eat any food we eat that isn't a choking hazard.  

Maxwell thinks it's absolutely hilarious when Joe and I brush our teeth.

He loves when daddy comes home from work.

He waves and claps, which is pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Maxwell Theodore is such a sweet baby. Watching him grow is so bittersweet.

Here are his 9 month stats (since I never got around to doing a 9 month post):

Height: 2'4'' (35%)
Weight: 20lbs 2oz (59%)
Head circumference: 17.91'' (65%)


Adventures in Seattle: Golden Gardens Beach

On Thursday, the kids and I went to the beach. As we are nearing fall, the warm and sunny days will be few and far between. We are trying to make the most of these few days of summer.

The beaches are one of the many reasons I love Seattle. My kids can spend hours playing in the sand and I can enjoy the amazing view and the occasion seal.

Max is finally getting the point where he doesn't eat handfuls of sand.

He loves to crawl around on the sand and frequently crawls to the water and gets mad when I don't let him go in.

It makes my heart so happy that my kids get to grow up going to the beach.

Maxwell's chubby fingers full of sand is just too much cuteness.

I can't lie, Seattle has stolen my heart.


Preschool 2015

Both girls started preschool yesterday. They are going to a preschool that is at our church, which made us all feel more comfortable on the first day. Mia will be going M/W/F and Naomi will go on M/W. Even though I was quite sad dropping them both off yesterday, I think preschool will be great for all of us.

They both enjoyed their first day and are excited to go back.

Unfortunately, preschool interferes with Maxwell's nap schedule so he slept through drop off.

The night before preschool, we had a special "back to school" dinner that included alphabet chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, broccoli,  flower and butterfly shaped watermelon, and alphabet gummy candy for dessert.

I used decorations that I already had and just wanted to make it fun and festive to get the girls excited.

We got the girls a little stuffed animal to celebrate the big day.

I asked the girls to draw a family portrait and Naomi made the most adorable picture of our family. 

Here are some pictures from back to school night. 

Here's to a great year of preschool!


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