10 Months!

My baby turned 10 months yesterday! He's wearing 12 month clothing and size 4 diapers.

Maxwell is so much fun and continues to bring so much joy to our family.

He is happy majority of the time and has the biggest smiles. He has two bottom teeth and his top two teeth are working their way through.

Maxwell doesn't sit still for long and loves to crawl around, climb, stand, walk while holding furniture, and walk while pushing things.

He is also very affectionate and gives big, open mouth kisses and the sweetest hugs.

He loves playing toys and gets very excited when someone throws a ball. 

His favorite activity is whatever his sisters are doing and can usually be found watching them or trying to destroy whatever they're playing.

He is a very independent eater and although he still nurses he likes to feed himself baby food pouches and will eat any food we eat that isn't a choking hazard.  

Maxwell thinks it's absolutely hilarious when Joe and I brush our teeth.

He loves when daddy comes home from work.

He waves and claps, which is pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Maxwell Theodore is such a sweet baby. Watching him grow is so bittersweet.

Here are his 9 month stats (since I never got around to doing a 9 month post):

Height: 2'4'' (35%)
Weight: 20lbs 2oz (59%)
Head circumference: 17.91'' (65%)


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