Letter of the Week: Cc

All of these books are toddler friendly. If your toddler has a short attention span and won't sit through, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, The Best Mouse Cookie is a great, shorter alternative!  If you don't already own, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, you should probably go buy it because it's a classic that teaches about a caterpillars life cycle, counting and days of the week. 

C is for Clouds

C is for Cat

Grandma came to visit and did this project with Mia...isn't it cute!

C is for Caterpillar

These Do A Dot markers are super fun and easy for toddler hands. Plus, there are tons of free printables  on the web to use with them!

Mia and I worked together to create a large caterpillar to help with number recognition.  Before hanging it on the wall, we played a "game" where I said the number and Mia had to give me the circle with the corresponding number. This would also be really fun to incorporate gross motor skills and have your child jump on the number (I would have done that but didn't want to wrinkle our caterpillar!)

Our finished caterpillar...a perfect addition to our reading area.

The original plan for this project was to make a caterpillar in the shape of the letter C but Mia was having so much fun gluing the circles independently that it became a piece of paper with circles all over it.  Remember...art with toddlers is about the process, not necessarily the end product!

 C is for Cookie

The ingredients: shaving cream and brown paint
Stir, stir, stir

Plop it onto a paper plate (preferably white)

If you're wondering what Naomi does when we are doing activities...

I had good intentions of baking cookies this week but when it came down to it...I didn't feel like consuming a days worth of calories in cookie dough and cleaning up the mess.  : /

 C is for Castle

This was so fun!  And, it turned out really cute!

 Up next week...Hh


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