Letter of the Week: Tt
I had a lot of fun ideas for the letter T but we ended up keeping the week pretty simple since Mia wasn't feeling too well for a couple of days.

All of these books are great! I Wear My Tutu Everywhere! is one of Mia's favorite books. It's one of those books that I could read with my eyes closed.
T is for Tree
We simply stuck tree stickers to the Tt sheet.
T is for Teeth
My husband cut out a giant tooth on yellow construction paper (to replicate a tooth that needs to be brushed).
We found an old toothbrush and let Mia "brush" the tooth with white paint. We encouraged her to paint the entire tooth, which was a challenge for her.
T is for Train
Here are some toddler friendly train books. I loved the simplicity of, Freight Train, which focuses on colors.
I would never encourage anyone to do worksheets with their two year old, but Mia loves them so we do them occasionally. This counting page was great because it only goes up to 5, which was perfect for Mia to work independently.
When she was done, she wanted more. Since, I didn't have anymore printed, I drew a T on the back and told her to use the do a dot marker to cover the T.
So Proud.
I've been saving diaper boxes to make something fun. We simply taped the boxes together and created our own train. The boxes could easily be decorated to create a more realistic train, but Mia didn't seem to mind, so I kept it simple.
Mia played with this for several weeks. She loved loading the boxes with her toys and finding a box to sit in for her adventures. This was such a fun and simple activity that provided hours of enjoyment.
Also, check out the letter Nn for another fun train activity that uses numbers and counting.