Chapter 4: Naomi's Book-themed Birthday Party

I'm back! Sorry for my absence. Between computer storage issues and a busy couple of months, my blog has been neglected. I'm going to try to get up to date this week so be ready for A LOT of posts!

Let's start with Naomi's 4th birthday party! Naomi is my book lover so a book themed party was an easy choice. She wanted a party at home with only girls (except for daddy and Maxwell). We kept it really small and got a bounce house to make it extra special. 

 Naomi reading while we were setting up for party.

I found these adorable cupcake toppers on Etsy. Everyone (adults included) had so much fun picking their favorite character.

My sweet girl. 

Our local bookstore gave us a bunch of books posters to use as decor.

 After the party was over, the 5 of us had a blast jumping in the bounce house.

Saying goodbye to the bounce house was so hard but the sadness quickly went away once she went back inside and realized she had a bunch of new toys to play with!


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