1 Month

Levi Matthew
Weight: 11lbs 8oz (84%)
Height: 23 inches (97 %)
Head circumference: 15.25 inches (92%)

Levi is 1 month! He is growing so fast and is still topping the charts in height and weight. He is wearing 0-3 month clothing and size 1 diapers.

Levi is such a smiley little guy! He loves being talked to and will usually smile back when he we smile at him. He is also starting to coo.  He even smiled and cooed at the doctor at his 1 month well check and she was very impressed with how social he was.

Levi loves going on walks in the stroller, 

enjoys short periods of tummy time

and is slowly working on his neck strength.

I've decided that a mohawk is his signature look and he occasionally enjoys a paci. We've loved every minute of our first month with this sweet boy, he is such a gift!


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