6 Months

Levi Matthew
19lbs 6oz (81%)
28in (95%)
Head Circumference: 17.7in (92%)
Diapers: size 3
Clothing: 12-18month

This precious little guy lights up our house. He is so happy all the time and just goes with the flow.

He is still exclusively breastfed and being that we're never apart, he's never tried a bottle (minus the little bit of supplementing that we had to do in the hospital after he was born since his blood sugar was low). We started giving him pureed fruits and vegetables last week and he's not really a fan. He clamps his mouth down and when he gets some food in his mouth, he usually gags. We're taking it slow and know he'll get there!

Levi can sit up on his own and can roll from tummy to back. He has found his voice and every once in awhile will give us a mama and dada. The first time he said mama and dada was in the middle of the night when we were trying to sleep train and lets just say that he got wanted because daddy couldn't resist his cute little voice calling out for us! : )

Here's the other kids' 6 month posts...



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