Levi is 8 months!

 Levi is the sweetest, smiliest, happiest little baby. He loves his crazy family and we all love him so much. We all have to take turns holding him, playing with him and giving him kisses because we can't get enough. Levi gives me the biggest kisses. It's pretty much my favorite thing in the whole world.

He is doing really well with eating lately and his new favorite foods are avocado and pumpkin. He currently has 2 bottom teeth.

Nighttime sleeping still isn't awesome and he's still waking a couple of times a night. He is no longer sleeping in our room as of this month so I'm hoping that might help him sleep a little better. 

He is starting to move around on his belly, usually spinning around in a circle. Levi LOVES reading books and playing ball with his daddy. If we could freeze time, we would because he is so fun right now BUT I know so many fun milestones are still ahead. 

We love you sweet boy!

*Thank you to Mia for taking these pictures. 


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