18 Weeks
Wow! I can't believe I'm already past 18 weeks. We're almost halfway to meeting our amazing little baby. We have our 20 week ultrasound on June 10 where we get to find out the sex! I will be sharing the news as soon as we find out. The baby is getting so big and so is my belly! I'm wearing mostly maternity clothes now except I am proud to say that my low rise jeans still fit. : )

I'm not going to lie but I wasn't a big fan of the first trimester of pregnancy. I was sooo tired all the time and felt nauseous majority of the day. I feel so much better now! : ) The only symptoms I have are acne (yuck!), a growing belly (fun now that I look pregnant instead of fat) and some food aversions (like not being able to eat the mexican food Joe and I got on our date night last Friday).

I'm not going to lie but I wasn't a big fan of the first trimester of pregnancy. I was sooo tired all the time and felt nauseous majority of the day. I feel so much better now! : ) The only symptoms I have are acne (yuck!), a growing belly (fun now that I look pregnant instead of fat) and some food aversions (like not being able to eat the mexican food Joe and I got on our date night last Friday).