38 Weeks!

This past weekend was one of the best weekends in awhile. Most of all because Joe was actually home. On Friday, I got a hair cut/color. I decided to go extreme and chop my hair off, I love the new look! Then, Joe and I went out to eat and watched, Babies at home. On Saturday, we cleaned all morning and got the house warm and cozy for fall. I love adding orange candles, place mats, candy corn, etc to make the house feel like fall. Then, we went to the movie theatre and saw, Life As We Know It. It was such a good movie and I thoroughly enjoyed some buttery popcorn. I forget how much fun my husband is until I have a weekend to spend with him. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing husband, baby (I just know she will be amazing), house and life. God is good.

Dear Baby Girl,

Mommy and Daddy are so excited to meet you. It's so crazy to think that you could be here any day now. Your bed is ready, your car seat is in the car and I think we have anything and everything we could possibly need for your arrival. We are only missing you.

Last night you had the hiccups and it was so fun to feel the constant pulse in my stomach as you hiccuped. Daddy even got to feel, he thought it was pretty cool. Thank you for continuing to move around a lot, it helps Mommy to know that you are doing okay. The doctor said your heart rate is continuing to be strong and you are nice and low. At my appointment on Wednesday, I was dilated 1 cm and about 50% effaced. This really doesn't mean anything except that we're a little closer to meeting you.

I love you more than you can imagine and I know that when your Daddy sees you, you will melt his heart. See you in about 2 weeks!

Love always,


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