9 Months
Mia turned 9 months old on Friday. I have been having so much fun staying at home with her. Mia crawled for the first time on July 2 and has been a busy little girl ever since. She loves exploring the house to see what she can discover. She has already ripped off two door stops and 1 knob from one of our kitchen drawers. Even though Mia is busy, she can play alone for a long time, which makes my job as a mommy a lot easier. She loves to play with her toys and her current favorite are her balls. She will sit and roll and throw a ball back and forth...it's the cutest thing.

9 months stats
Weight: 16.8 lbs
Height: 2 ft 4 in.
Diapers: size 2 or 3
Food: Breast milk, Organic Jarred baby food (she likes it all)
Solid foods she has tried: puffs, cheerios, pasta, bread, pancakes, waffles, bananas, avocado, watermelon and fish
Words she says: daddy, mom
She really tries to say (and i think she's said): thank you, baby, ball, night night, hi and all done
Mia can... clap, wave hi and bye, roll and throw a ball, crawl, stand holding onto something
Adjectives to describe Mia: Happy, giggly, smiley, feisty, independent and smart
My very talented hubby took Mia's 9 month pictures. He was able to capture every essence of her personality in one photo shoot.

Mia actually threw the yellow ball!

Mia did NOT want to take any pictures on the slide. Oh yes...did I mention that she has temper tantrums! : )
I LOVE the pictures! Mia is such a ham. I love the one with the yellow ball on her head and the one with her throwing it. I'm so excited to meet her in October! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a doll! :-) it was sooo good to talk with you yesterday! (Now that things are back to normal here!) I'm so happy for you guys and all the new changes in store for you. Staying home with Mia, Joes mba program and England! Yay! Have a blast over there &go to Harrods! :) I can't wait to see all the pics
ReplyDeleteI love the picture you sent me, I wanted to cry :( I can't wait to see you guys in like 3 weeks :)
ReplyDeleteLove Karla