More Visitors
On Thursday, my Grandma and second cousin, Jamie, came to visit for Jamie's Grandma's funeral and of course to see baby Mia and spend time together. We spent a lot of time relaxing and talking which was well needed for all of us. (Don't mind the squinty was super bright outside.)
Me, Mia and Jamie

Mia and Great Grandma
Four generations minus my mom.

Great Grandma reading to Mia.
Joe's friend and old roommate, Nick, also came to visit last weekend. It was great to catch up and he and Joe had a great time together.

Joe and Nick all ready to go White Water Rafting (this picture makes me laugh so hard!)

Nick and Joe at Red Rocks. Apparently, they took turns trying to test their strength by carrying each other up the steps. I'm just glad they made in home in one piece!