A Nurturing Soul

Mia has really stepped up her role as big sister.  If Mia hears Naomi cry, she runs over to her and puts her paci back in her mouth.  It's the cutest thing.  Also, I'm happy to report that she hasn't shown any aggression towards Naomi in a few weeks!!  Naomi LOVES Mia.  She smiles when Mia talks to her and will follow her with her eyes.  I'm so excited to see these two grow up together. 

 Mia is definitely a nurturing soul. She takes care of Naomi and her babies throughout the day.  In every one of the pictures below she has a baby by her.  Joe is guessing she will be a nurse. I'm guessing she'll be a teacher. : )

 She was so excited to wear her new outfit that her Great Aunt Elizabeth made and she enjoyed reading her new Bible from Great Grandma and Grandpa.

Sorry for the blurry picture but Mia no longer stands still when I'm trying to photograph her.

I bet you've never been alone at Costco with 4 babies in your cart.

Coloring her Olympics 2012 coloring sheet.  Can you tell I'm excited for the Olympics?!?

 Don't you hate when your baby starts crying in the stroller and you have to carry them while pushing an empty stroller!


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