Naomi 18 Months

Naomi Kate
23lbs 2.5 oz (30%)
32'' (60%)
Head circumference: 46.5cm (50%)

Diapers: size 4
Clothes: 24months-2T

Favorite books: "Slowly, Slowly," Said the Sloth, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Baby Happy Baby Sad
Favorite song: ABC song ( she can sing about half of it independently)
Favorite food: yogurt
Favorite animal: zebra

Can you even handle the cuteness?!?! I can't. I'm slightly obsessed with Naomi right now.

She is learning so much every day; it is so fun.

She loves to dance, read books, and take care of her babies.

Sometimes, she'll even come up to me or Joe and say, "cuddle".  

My favorite thing that she says is, "hold you?" This is what she says when she wants to be held.  Joe has been trying to teach her the proper way to be held and I stopped him because, "hold you?" is just too cute!

Another phrase she says quite frequently is, "I don't like it!" I think that may have been her first complete sentence.  : )  Yes, she is SUPER picky.  She just recently added oranges to one of the four fruits she likes.  The others include: bananas, strawberries and canned pears.

Naomi is pretty lucky because her best friend lives with her and sleeps next to her room.  At nap time she will even yell, "Mia!" (which sounds more like, EEAH)  in hopes that her sister will rescue her (or at least entertain her so she doesn't have to nap).

This is Naomi's famous face that she makes several times a day.  I'm so glad we got it on camera.

Overal, Naomi is a pretty easy 1.5 year old who is looking less and less like a baby every day.  She is really growing up and just recently starting using a booster seat to sit at the table and she even went pee in the toilet a few days ago (we are not pursuing potty training yet but sometimes she wants to be like her sister.

I am so thankful for this little lady who brings me so much joy!  
(Unless, we are shopping.  She really dislikes shopping and sitting in a cart.)


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