Pictures from March

 I know March isn't over quite yet, but Joe and Mia are on a trip in CA, the little ones are asleep, and my house is somewhat clean, so I thought I would finally blog.  March was a super fun month that went by really fast.  Mia started ballet and both girls started gymnastics.  Here are a bunch of random pictures from this month...


Maxwell really started playing with toys this month.  This is one of his favorites.

We found an awesome gymnastics studio where both girls can go to age appropriate classes at the same time.  Double win!

They love gymnastics so much (they were a little distracted when I was trying to take the picture)!

Naomi does such a great job listening and following along.  A huge improvement from when she did dance with me 9 months ago.

Maxwell is such a sweet little guy.  He is easy going and just loves his family.

Max's 4 month check-up.

This picture melts my heart because Naomi put her (very special) blanket on Max.  She only shares her blanket with her brother, it's the sweetest.

These two are such good friends.  They have plenty of fights but so many moments when they play together for hours.

I've really been enjoying the extra time with Naomi while Mia is at school.  Naomi is the sweetest girl.  She learned how to draw people this month and is obsessed with being fancy.  Most of the time she is either doing ballet or reading books.  Most nights you'll find her in her bed with a princess crown, tutu, and tap or ballet shoes.

And, she LOVES pizza!

Mia loves doing ballet and gymnastics.  She can't wait for her ballet recital in June.  She also really enjoys preschool and has made a handful of friends.  She is so creative and is constantly impressing Joe and I. 

I really love having three kids (except at bedtime...haha).  

Now, I'm off to bed since my little guy likes to check on me quite a bit throughout the night. Being he's my last baby, I really don't mind. ; )


4 Months

Maxwell Theodore
16lb 3oz (66%)
2' 2.25'' (90%)
Head circumference: 16.54'' (61%)
6-9 month clothing
Size 3 diapers

I can't believe I had to take the 9 month clothes out this month.  My little guy is growing like a weed.

His personality is also shining through more and more each day.

He loves his mommy, daddy, and sisters, and lights up whenever we talk to him.

Maxwell rolled over from tummy to back last week!  He is also starting to pivot around when put on his back.

Nothing is safe in Maxwell reach as he is grabbing for everything.  He loves toys that are easy for him to hold and of course, puts everything in his mouth.

He started using the paci a little more this month but only uses it on occasion.  Almost all of his naps are in his swing, car seat, or baby carrier.

He is perfectly healthy except for some mild eczema on his head and legs.

Maxwell also loves bath time, reading books, being talked to, and getting his head rubbed.

He doesn't like when his sisters scream or cry, poopy diapers, and being left alone for too long.

Good thing there are plenty of people around here to keep him entertained.

Happy 4 months big guy!  We love you so much!


New Memories

We are all adjusting so well to life in Seattle.  We finally feel settled; we found a church we love, we are signed up for preschool, we are finding activities for the girls, we are having play-dates, and making friends.  The house we are renting is perfect for us and the neighborhood is absolutely lovely (the grocery store and ballet studio are in our alley!)  This journey has been full of ups and downs.  The first couple of months in the apartment were rough.  That time is quite a blur as it felt like survival mode most days.  I'm sorry if I missed your birthday, forgot to send a thank you, or didn't call, but during that time, I was at max capacity.  Don't get me wrong, our days are still so full (but, a good full).  I'm slowly adjusting to life with 3 kids as well as unpacking those last few boxes and trying to organize our house while trying not to neglect my girls.  We are getting there and definitely getting more and more in the groove everyday.   

As we've been feeling more settled, I can't help but think of the home where we brought all 3 kids home from the hospital.  The home where my girls spent their whole life.  The home that Maxwell will never know.  The playground that we could walk to and all loved and the swings that my girls enjoyed throughout their lives.

I don't look at the these pictures with sadness, I look at them with complete joy that we had such a wonderful home and neighborhood to start our family.

My girls spent countless hours swinging on these swings.  Swinging through all the seasons at every age.  These swings will always evoke the precious memories of our home in Colorado.

Our last day in our house, I asked Joe to take the girls to the park one last time and snap some pictures.

The good news is that Seattle has parks too!  And, even swings.  Yesterday, after playing at one of the parks by our house, Mia said, "I love our church and park [in Seattle] the best."

Our family has gone through a lot of changes in the past 4 months and change is hard, but hard is good.  Seattle has welcomed us with open arms and we all love our new home.

Now, we have an amazing new park to make new memories at.  A park with views of downtown Seattle and Mount Rainier.  A park where Maxwell will ride in a swing for the first time.  A park where new memories will be made.

  Change is scary but can also be so great!

We are enjoying this new season of life.  New city, new baby, new beginnings, and a wonderful adventure.

A wonderful adventure in our new home, Seattle.


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