4 Months

Maxwell Theodore
16lb 3oz (66%)
2' 2.25'' (90%)
Head circumference: 16.54'' (61%)
6-9 month clothing
Size 3 diapers

I can't believe I had to take the 9 month clothes out this month.  My little guy is growing like a weed.

His personality is also shining through more and more each day.

He loves his mommy, daddy, and sisters, and lights up whenever we talk to him.

Maxwell rolled over from tummy to back last week!  He is also starting to pivot around when put on his back.

Nothing is safe in Maxwell reach as he is grabbing for everything.  He loves toys that are easy for him to hold and of course, puts everything in his mouth.

He started using the paci a little more this month but only uses it on occasion.  Almost all of his naps are in his swing, car seat, or baby carrier.

He is perfectly healthy except for some mild eczema on his head and legs.

Maxwell also loves bath time, reading books, being talked to, and getting his head rubbed.

He doesn't like when his sisters scream or cry, poopy diapers, and being left alone for too long.

Good thing there are plenty of people around here to keep him entertained.

Happy 4 months big guy!  We love you so much!


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