15 months

We no longer have a baby, but now have a toddler! Maxwell is 15 months and is learning so much every day. He is such a sweet little guy that loves hugs and kisses. He is wearing size 4 diapers and 18-24 month clothing.

His vocabulary is increasing every day, which is so fun for all of us. His newest word is, Mia, which is just about the cutest thing ever. He also says, hi, bye, more, momma, dada, hands, hat, ball, bubble,  and cheese. There might be more but that's all I can think of for now! 

He loves playing outside and knows to grab his shoes and hat when I say we're leaving the house. He's loves to explore and climb,  but is pretty careful when doing so. 

He LOVES his sisters. He and Naomi love to wrestle and Mia takes care of him like he's her little baby. Maxwell also loves to color and do art with his sisters when they are working at the table

He'll usually eat whatever I make for dinner, but loves oatmeal, macaroni and cheese, peas, bananas, and chicken nuggets. I am still nursing him two times a day (it was my doctor's recommendation to nurse through the winter to help prevent sickness and it has worked). He really dislikes whole milk but loves water and any kind of smoothie.

Maxwell is so easy to put to bed and sleeps through the night. He mostly naps once a day but will occasionally nap twice.

We all love this little guy so much and he adds so much to all of our lives. His middle name means gift from God and he truly is.


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