Spring Break 2020

This past week was spring break and we were supposed to be enjoying a warm vacation in sunny Arizona but since we had to cancel that, we made the best of our time at home. I just shopped our house for each theme day and found decor/old party supplies that we already had on hand. We had a ton of fun and the themed days kept us on a routine so the days still had some structure without feeling like a homeschool day because the kids made it very clear that they weren't doing homeschool during spring break!

Monday was Olympics Day. We were all super sad to find out that the summer Olympics were postponed to 2021 (I may have even shed a few tears) so we had our own Olympics at home...

We started the day with Olympic themed worksheets,


made edible Olympic medals (fruit by the foot and Oreos) for snack,

competed in 5 Olympic games in the backyard,

and everyone earned a medal at the end. 

Tuesday was Sports Day!

We started the day with sports themed mazes and the kids had to design their own jersey followed by

snack that consisted of popcorn (in football containers) and cuties that (kind of) looked like basketballs.

After a festive lunch,

sports were played in the backyard.

Wednesday was Joe's birthday and apparently we didn't get any pictures but we enjoyed celebrating and hanging out with him since he had the day off.

Thursday was camping day and I slacked a little bit with this one because I was tired! Maxwell wasn't impressed with my lack of decor but I think I made up for it when we had Smores for snack.

For the camping activity, I told the kids to go make forts in the basement which actually kept them busy for awhile. We were also supposed to go on a nature scavenger hunt but the kids were having so much fun in the backyard that they just found what they could in the yard.

Friday was Unicorn, Dragon, and Castle Day!

When I came downstairs in the morning, I found Maxwell happily reading about castles

 and being a trooper as he wore his unicorn horn.

The kids each made their own castles out of Duplos,

helped make unicorn poop cookies ( I aim to please),

and decorated a cookie castle! Grandma Esteb dropped this off on our front step last week and this was the perfect day to work on it!

Next week we officially kick off Distance Learning which will be a fun new challenge for all of us!


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