Random Stuff

Sorry I haven't posted since "The Big News!".  Mia and I have been super busy getting together with friends and I have been soo tired. (Did I mention that Mia likes to wake up between 5-6am everyday.)  I nap everyday when Mia naps, which is what my body needs, but that means I'm not getting a lot done.  Also, Mia needs to be by my side all day long.  I'm trying to treasure these cuddly moments instead of getting frustrated at my lack of space. Like every other phase, I know it will pass.

I don't have any pictures to post because honestly, I don't think I've taken a picture in the past two weeks. Let's just say that this pregnancy is kind of kicking my butt.  But, I'm excited to say that I've been throw up free the last 2 days!!  I've had a very small appetite over the last several weeks, it's slowly coming back and will hopefully be in full swing for the Holidays!

I promise I'll take some pictures this weekend and post again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I just love Mia's frankenstein walk. Too cute!


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