So Thankful...

This year I am thankful for a healthy 1 year old, a happy marriage, growing friendships and a growing belly.  In the last few months, I have learned to be thankful for the time that my family is together. On Wednesday, Joe, Mia, and I went to the Denver Zoo.  It was 66 degrees and sunny and an absolutely perfect way to spend time together.

I have never seen a vulture sitting like this.

This hippo was so fun to watch.

This is how I feel when I get to spend a sunny afternoon with my two loves.

Look will see the monkey decided to pee in front of us.

We spent Thanksgiving at our friend's parent's house.  We had a delicious meal and enjoyed great company. I took a few pictures but can't seem to find my camera. : |

On Friday, the three of us went out to get a few deals and enjoy the hustle and bustle of Black Friday shopping.  Surprisingly, the mall wasn't too busy and we got majority of the deals we wanted.  I'm guessing it helped that most of the crazies (sorry mom and Karla)  went out the night before.  Oh, how I love the start of the Christmas season.


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