An Extrovert
There is an article going around Facebook titled, 23 Signs You're Secretly An Introvert. It got me thinking about myself and why I am the way I am. I think I have some introverted tendencies, but for the most part, I am an extrovert. I like being busy, I get energy from being around others, I like adventures, I like making memories outside of the home.

You know it has been a busy couple of weeks when you ask your 2 year old what they want to do today and they say, "nothing!"
Luckily, my girls love getting out and exploring our city, but they do remind me when we need to slow down. My family reminds me that memories can also be made "doing nothing" aka, staying home, playing in the playroom, enjoying the day without an agenda. I'm working on this, even though I have an incredibly hard time getting motivated without anything on my schedule. Having nothing planned feels lazy to me, but I think it feels very different for my kids and especially, my husband.

It's just a matter of time before every day will be super busy. I watch the neighbors walk their little ones with over sized backpacks to school in the morning and I am so thankful that I have a few more years before that season starts (even though a small part of me is so excited for everything that comes with school). A few more years to enjoy busy days at the zoo or relaxing days swimming in the backyard.

It's interesting how much being a stay-at-home mom has taught me about myself. I've learned how important community is to me as a woman and the importance of finding mental/creative outlets that don't involve my children. I am so thankful that I am currently mentoring another Kindergarten teacher this year and co-leading the Moms Group at our church. These things fill me up and help me be a better mom and wife. The extrovert in me needs these things, things that help meet new people and give me an outlet so I can be the best mommy possible to these two little ladies.